Sunday, January 13, 2008

You've Been Served

By NanceGreggs

An Open Letter to: All Politicians, All Corporations, All Media

Our government has become non-responsive to the needs and wants of American citizens, and has followed its own agenda to benefit wealthy individuals and even wealthier corporations. We see what is wrong, and we mean to have it made right.

The corporations that are handing out pink slips to middle-class workers are the same corporations that are handing out multi-million dollar bonuses to their CEOs. We see what is wrong, and we mean to have it made right.

The news media no longer even pretends to serve the public interest, but serves only its corporate masters in delivering ‘the news’ as it wants it to be perceived, and not as it actually is. We see what is wrong, and we mean to have it made right.

Under BushCo, our country has gone from surplus to debt, from world-revered to world-reviled, from a nation that represents freedom to a nation that represents war, torture, and death. We see what is wrong, and we mean to have it made right.

Our beloved Constitution has been ignored in order to suit an administration determined to put its own insane goals above the sanctity of our democracy. We see what is wrong, and we mean to have it made right.

Our government has plunged the country into unfathomable debt in order to pursue an illegal and immoral war, whose only ‘success’ has been filling the coffers of the war-profiteers, their family members, their cronies and themselves. We see what is wrong, and we mean to have it made right.

While the middle-class lose their jobs, their homes, their savings and their health coverage, our government has not ended but encouraged the conditions that have led to this disaster. We see what is wrong, and we mean to have it made right.

As the accountability of our elected government officials has become a thing of the past, so their blatant corruption has become accepted as the current status quo. We see what is wrong, and we mean to have it made right.

Billions of taxpayers’ dollars have ‘gone missing’ under the current administration, while billions more have been funneled into the pockets of Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Oil and Big Business via no-bid contracts, ‘sweetheart deals’, tax-cuts, and corporate welfare. We see what is wrong, and we mean to have it made right.

Investigative journalists of integrity, willing to tell the truth at any cost, have been replaced by talking hair-dos, infotainment specialists, and out-and-out lying propagandists. We see what is wrong, and we mean to have it made right.

As our troops return home as severely wounded veterans without access to financial, psychiatric or medical assistance, our government ignores their plight, and that of their families. We see what is wrong, and we mean to have it made right.

While the rest of the global community tackles the problems of pollution and climate-change, our nation sticks its head in the sand and dismisses the impact of the consequences. We see what is wrong, and we mean to have it made right.

As the children of the world surpass our own children in education, skills, and training, our government persists in funding bridges-to-nowhere while ignoring the obvious outcome of under-funding the needs of the next generation of Americans. We see what is wrong, and we mean to have it made right.

Our elected representatives no longer represent the will of their constituents, nor do they carry out the Constitutional duties they swore to execute, but instead put their personal ‘re-electability’ above all other concerns. We see what is wrong, and we mean to have it made right.

As Americans, we have watched our jobs sent to cheaper labor markets in order to increase the ‘bottom line’, we have watched our tax dollars squandered on nonsense, we have watched our neighbors lose their lives in the aftermath of natural disaster because they were too unimportant (poor) to deserve assistance, we have watched a once-great democracy diminished due to the whims of a petulant sociopath too self-absorbed to care about the country he was allegedly elected to govern.

We have watched as our voting process has been reduced to an electronically-hackable joke, while our once-respected media spews talking points instead of focusing on facts that should be publicly exposed and discussed, while our rights and freedoms become not what we are guaranteed under our Constitution but what a group of arrogant, always-proven-wrong PNACers consider to be their idea of how the country should be governed – for the financial benefit of the few and to the detriment of the many.

We see what is wrong, and we mean to have it made right.

The revolution will not be televised. It will not be violent, it will not be sudden. It will move slowly, but inevitably towards what is right, what is just, what is fair. It will not be partisan, but will include Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Greens – and every other political persuasion one can think of. It will include all pissed-off Americans - and in case you haven't noticed, that's one big fuckin' group, and it's getting bigger by the day.

But it will happen – because we’re mad as hell, and we won’t take it any more. Because We the People have had enough. Because there are more Average Joes than there are politicians, media tycoons, lobbyists, bankers, and corporate CEOs combined.

Because we see what is wrong, and we mean to have it made right.

Consider yourselves on notice. The revolution will happen; that’s a given. And if you'd taken your heads out of your asses once in a while, you would have noticed the fact that it’s already begun, it is unstoppable, and it will place this nation back into the hands of its rightful owners - the citizens of these United States of America.

Posted in full with author's permission.

Originally posted at

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