Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What I Know (and What I Don't)

By Nancy Greggs

What I know is that my country used to stand for something of value. What I don’t know is the value of what it stands for now.

What I know is that I grew up believing that my countrymen would always speak up for what was right. What I don’t know is why my countrymen still speak up, but go unheard.

What I know is that the role of the journalist was to question everything. What I don’t know is why they now question nothing at all.

What I know is that my fellow citizens have always been generous when it comes to their neighbors’ needs. What I don’t know is why a government elected by and for that same citizenry deem it acceptable to ignore the needs of all.

What I know is that I was taught the use of torture was what separated us from them. What I don’t know is what greater good is to be served by abandoning who we were to become what we once abhorred.

What I know is that our strength as a nation was our unity. What I don’t know is how being a divided nation will not weaken us now, and ultimately destroy us in the end.

What I know is that our government once took pride in its transparency. What I don’t know is why our current government’s secretive policies are not to be viewed as a source of shame.

What I know is that we traditionally fought against slave labor, child labor, and other injustices around the world. What I don’t know is why we now embrace the very practices we once so vehemently sought to expunge.

What I know is that our Constitution was the document which defined our rights, our freedoms, our way of life. What I don’t know is how it became an obstacle to be circumvented or ignored by those who swore a solemn oath to uphold it.

What I know is that justice was meant to be blind. What I don’t know is how justice can be served when administered with eyes firmly focused on a political agenda to the exclusion of all else.

What I know is that in their wisdom, the founding fathers set in place the checks and balances meant to ensure our survival as a democracy. What I don’t know is how democracy can survive the dismissal of such foresight as outdated foolishness meant to be ignored.

What I know is that I still believe in my fellow citizens to ultimately choose to do what is right, what is moral, what is just, and what is fair for the many. What I also know is that my government is intent on ignoring those principles in favor of what is politically expedient and financially beneficial to the few.

What I know is that We the People are patriotic Americans who love their country. What I don’t know is who these people are who call themselves patriotic Americans, and seek to destroy her by their every word and action.

What I know is that ultimately, the truth will prevail; the criminals will be brought to justice, the traitors among us will be exposed, and those who have sought to enrich themselves to the detriment of our nation's wellbeing will be called to account.

What I don’t know is when. But for the sake of us all, I pray it is soon.

Posted in full with permission of author.

Originally posted on democraticunderground. com:

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